
Who am IEver since moving to New York, my chances have expanded. The new environment, the education I've received, and the variety of stimuli I've been exposed to have all improved my skills as a designer. I feel more comfortable telling stories and producing powerful visual sources now that I have concepts and motifs to work with.

Through my design, I was able to convey the message I wanted to share with the world, thanks to a variety of experiences and chances. I believe this to be a very small portion, and in the future I want to use design to the fullest extent possible to create more voices. I appreciate everyone who has read this and shown interest in me.

EducationSchool of Visual Art
BFA Design, United State

Hanyang University
BA Entertainment design, Republic of Korea
Sep 2021 -

Mar 2015 - Feb 2020

WorkTime Square Pain Clinic
Web design - Freelance

Motion design - Internship

Animation - Freelance
Jan 2023

Jan 2020 - May 2020

Sep 2019 - Oct 2019

AwardSilver Collision Award Winner
Film - ‘Stalker

2024 Korean Alumni Association Award
School of Visual Arts

2024 Young Ones ADC Merits
Motion/Film - ‘How to Use Semicolon ;

UG Design Award
School of Visual Arts
Jun 2024

May 2024

Apr 2024

May 2023

ExperienceMotion Screening
School of Visual Arts. Graphics package animation

Graduation Exhibition
Hanyang Univ. UXUI & 2D Animation

Spring Festival of Hanyang Uiversity

Hanyang Univ. Promotional video

Students Association ‘SAEBOM’
Hanyang Univ. A leader of video design team

Axis Exhibition ‘Marbling on an axis’
Hanyang Univ. UXUI team

Axis Exhibition ‘Prism’
Hanyang Univ. 3D team ‘Zero Gravity’
Apr 2023 - May 2023

Oct 2019

Apr 2017

Jan 2017 - Dec 2017

Aug 2016

Sep 2015
